Grading Criteria
These numbers represent the quality-grade (condition and warranty) of an item for sale.
The quality-grade numbers are in parenthesis before the make and model number in the item’s posting title.
10: Brand-new closeout or refurbished—no visual blemishes (A)
9: Brand-new closeout or refurbished—slight scratch/dent (B)
8: Brand-new with major scratch/dent/missing part (C)
7: Brand-new with slight scratch/dent (B)
6: Brand-new with major scratch/dent (C)
5: May be used, but working—no visual blemishes
4: May be used, but working—slight scratch/dent
3: May be used, but working with major scratch/dent/missing part
2: Inoperable and needs parts
1: Use for parts
These products may have been refurbished by a factory authorized servicer. They may have cosmetic damage, such as scratches and dents (Please see number grade in title for quality of this particular item). They may have been in a customer’s home or displayed in a dealer’s showroom. The manufacturer’s warranty expressly excludes cosmetic damage on many of the items.